Title IX compliance
MISBO complies with all Title IX standards in regards to non-discrimination and sexual harassment. Employees of MISBO have acknowledged receipt of the employee handbook sharing the expectations of conduct pursuant to these policies as well as the grievance procedure. These expectations apply to all employees when representing MISBO in any and all capacities.
MISBO Non-Discrimination Policy
MISBO Title IX Coordinators:
Damian Kavanagh, President, with a remote office and business address at 1000 Whitlock Avenue, Suite 320 – 337, Marietta, GA 30064; Ph: 404.918.8850, damiankavanagh@misbo.com.
Michelle Shea, Vice President, with a remote office and business address at 1000 Whitlock Avenue, Suite 320 – 337, Marietta, GA 30064; Ph: 404.921.0065, michelleshea@misbo.com.