Get Connected
Listservs are a email list that receives email messages for a mailing and sends them out to each listed address. MISBO offers for the following groups:
- Chief Financial Officer (restricted to the most senior staff member in the business office)
- Business Office Staff
- Human Resources
- Technology
- Facilities
- Safety & Security *NEW
- Library/Media Specialists
- Auxiliary Programs (in conjunction with SAIS)
- Buy/Sell/Trade (Post items for sale, trade or what you're looking for and share fellow MISBO member schools)
NOTE: Participating (sending, reading, posting, receiving) in any MISBO community assumes participant agrees to the listserv policies of MISBO. If you have any questions about our, email Akshay Anikhindi or call (404) 921-3814.
ListServ Sending Addresses:
- Chief Financial Officer
- Business Office Staff
- Human Resources
- Technology
- Facilities
- Safety & Security
- Librarians
- Auxiliary Programs
- Buy/Sell/Trade
ListServ Archives & Member Options:
To view the archive(s), you will be prompted to enter your email address, which will generate an email to you. In the email, simply click on the link and a web page will open asking you to confirm your request. You may also do the following, in addition to the archives: Pause delivery (if you are on vacation and don't wish to receive the emails), enable the "daily summary" (if you wish to get one email a day), or unsubscribe.
- Chief Financial Officer Archives
- Business Office Staff Archives
- Human Resources Archives
- Technology Archives
- Facilities Archives
- Safety & Security Archives
- Librarians Archives
- Auxiliary Programs
- Buy/Sell/Trade Archives
To use the listserv, simply send an email to the email address of the group(s) in the "To:" area, type your message/question, and send. In response to an email from the list, you can reply to just the sender or if you hit "reply all", your answer will go to the entire list where everyone will see your response.
Once you click on an archives link, you will be prompted to enter your email address, which will generate an email to you that will stay active for 30 days. To search through the archives, you can view them by clicking on "Thread", "Subject", "Author", and "Date".
Please note:
In order to be in compliance with the restraint of trade regulations, we require all participants to abide by the listserv policies developed by MISBO. As an additional resource, please visit our survey page with information about DASL by NAIS where you can find numerous data points that were collected from member schools this past fall.