Photo of University School of Nashville

University School of Nashville

Sarah Dey Business Office Manager
Accounts Payable
Amani Reed Director
Amy Woodson Head of Lower School
Bret Mash River Campus Director
Erik Mash Director of Operations
Jeff Greenfield Head of Middle School
John Kleiner Teacher
Juanita Traughber Director of Communications
Juliet Douglas Dir of Admissions & FA
Kari Luecke Educational Technologist
Kate Pritchard Library Director
Kyron Buckner Financial Services Director
Lindsay Barrera
Lindsay Barrera Operations Coordinator
Nicole Jules Asst. Head of HS for Student Affairs
Norma Miller Controller
Patricia Buckner Lower School Counselor
Phylicia Moye Controller
Quinton Walker Head of High School
Rebecca Stokes Director of Auxiliary Services
Roderick White Director of Diversity and Community Life
Shelley Hinson Director of Technology
Steven Slovenski Teacher
Susy Gillette Bookstore Manager
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