Photo of Lake Highland Preparatory School

Lake Highland Preparatory School

Laura Fiordalis Purchasing Agent
Alex Golden Educational Technology Specialist
Bill Fiordalis Associate Head of School
Brandi Goodman
Brandi Goodman Technology Integration Specialist
Cindy Wray US Media Specialist
Conan Bickford
Conan Bickford Manager of Safety & Security
Crystal Raphael
Crystal Raphael MBA, SHRM-CP Associate Director of DEI
Derek Daly Upper School Director
Douglas Armstrong Facilities/Property Manager
Ebony Garcia Senior Accountant
Forrest White MHR Human Resources Manager
Garth Parke Dean of Leadership & Character Development
Holly Comer Ls Media Specialist
James Bartlett
James Bartlett Business & Financial Consultant
Jennifer Hencken Educational Technology Specialist
Jessie Martinez Chief Financial Officer
Jim McIntyre President
John M. Kennedy
John M. Kennedy BOMI SMA & SMT, Certified Quality Manager Assistant Facilities/Property Manager
Jonathan Hiett UppeSchool Dean of Students; Dean of Counseling
Julie Gomez
Julie Gomez Auxiliary Coordinator
Karen Krot Educational Technology Specialist
Karin Timmer Controller
Keith Bolstein Associate Director of Technology
Kelsey Madison Technology Department Coordinator
Merilan Zarsadias Director of Human Resources
Sam Meyers Online Learning and Design Specialist
Shelley Davis Accounts Payable Clerk
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